
  • ChatGPT vs. Anne Lamott

    For this lesson, I do a side-by-side comparison of Anne Lamott’s “Shitty 1st Drafts” and a text generated by ChatGPT, from a prompt that matches Lamott’s thesis. I don’t tell the students the second piece was written by A.I.—only that it essentially says the same thing as Lamott’s piece, only differently. The first time I…

  • Doubting & Believing Games

    Peter Elbow introduced the “doubting” and “believing games” in the 1970s to make critical thought conscious and easily practicable. As Elbow described it in his 2008 address to the CCCC, the doubting game is “the disciplined practice of trying to be as skeptical and analytic as possible with every idea we encounter. By trying hard…

  • “Accents” by Denice Frohman

    A native New Yorker and former Women of the World Poetry Slam Champion, Denice Frohman writes about the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality. This poem, “Accents,” is a beautiful ode to her mother’s Puerto Rican accent. Not only does this performance pair well with resources that discuss language prejudice, but it can also serve…

  • External Assignments

    Unessays Assignment: https://s18tot.ryancordell.org/assignments/unessay/  Sample “unessays.” https://people.uleth.ca/~daniel.odonnell/Teaching/the-unessay Phenomenological Description Assignment: https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/strategies-for-analyzing-ephemeral-media-phenomenological-description/