
  • Ads for Rhetorical Analysis

    Marketing executives play on cultural values and beliefs to stimulate desire. Analyzing advertisements is therefore a fairly reliable way to gauge the emotional climate of American life.

  • Welcome to College. It’s different here.

    On the very first day, I like to discuss the college experience in the abstract. I briefly explain how perceptions of higher education have changed over time and offer students an opportunity to think about how they want to grow and develop over the next four years. It’s not just about the degree! I also…

  • Sponsors of Literacy

    We discuss these slides before completing this scaffolding assignment for their literacy narrative.

  • Everything is an Argument

    Because our way of creating and interpreting meaning is inescapably metaphoric and associative, learning how to consciously translate the meanings around us prevents some of the psychological harm inflicted when we process them subconsciously.  I teach the “Everything is an Argument” lesson using the below slideshow. It contains insights adapted insights from the Everything is…